构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室



Based in the Netherlands, FRAME is a well-known media devoted to recording and promoting cutting-edge interior design, covering the design of products, home decor, material, and fashion. In 2020, FRAME magazine collaborated with Sunshine PR to establish an editorial branch in China and commissioned ARCHSTUDIO to conduct the interior design of the new office located in the Loft space of Upperhills, in the core area of Futian CBD in Shenzhen.

▼办公室外观,exterior view © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


Office is a workplace and also a platform to exhibit cooperate culture. Directly connected to Lianhuashan Park and Bijiashan Park, Upperhills enjoys facilities including an art theater, upscale apartments, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Galeries Lafayette, etc., presenting a unique international cultural and commercial atmosphere. The open and relaxing multifunctional urban space vibes of Upperhills fit well with FRAME’s open and inclusive media attitude.

▼办公室位于深业上城商区,Office is accommodated in Upperhills  © 深业上城

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


Taking “FRAME” as the theme to reinterpret space, structure, form, and material, the design presents an innovative and inspiring working environment and communication platform to employees and visitors while communicating Frame magazine’s pursuit of aesthetics and design.

▼前厅,entrance lobby © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼前厅概览,overview of the lobby © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼X-ZOO 创作的36.5℃系列沙发,36.5°C series armchair by X-ZOO © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


▼钢结构楼板前后对比,Contrast of steel structure floor slabs before and after © ARCHSTUDIO

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼轴测图 ,Axonometric drawing © ARCHSTUDIO

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室
构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

With a floor height of 8.8 meters, the original loft space is transparent from north to south, a favorable condition for design and renovation. Within the given design scope, the design team restructured the internal space layout and adjusted the floor height according to the functional arrangement of working and public activity space for 40 persons, creating a north-south split-level layout.

▼楼梯间概览,overview of the staircase © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室
构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


The first floor is a public area with a large multifunctional space that holds regular media events; the second floor consists of two open office areas; the third floor accommodates several office rooms and a meeting room.

▼多功能室,Function room © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼二层开放办公区,open workspace on second floor © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室
构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼办公室,office © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼从茶室望向楼梯间,view from tea room towards stairwell © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


The triple-height atrium creates a visual connection between different zones and enhances communication.

▼不同办公区之间的视觉联系,visual connection between different zones © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼从楼梯间望向办公区,view from stairwell towards open office area © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


The bookshelves and stairs surrounding the atrium become the visual focus of the office. The bookshelves are used to keep the magazines and materials of the editorial team, while the staircase plays a key role as the vertical circulation in the space. The two together form an 8.8-meter-high installation with the theme of “FRAME”.

▼楼梯间仰视,upward view of the stairwell © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼楼梯间细节,detail of the stairwell © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室
构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


The bookshelves and stairs are woven from reinforcing steel bars with a diameter of 8 millimeters, and this see-through “frame” weakens the physical presence of structures and interfaces.

▼办公区一隅,a glimpse at office area © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


The wall is a full-height LED screen displaying the virtual video FRAMING produced by UFO Media Lab, which converts the steel bars into free grids that stretch dynamically.

▼UFO媒体实验室创作的影像作品-FRAMING,Virtual video FRAMING © UFO Media Lab


▼影像作品 FRAMING 动图,Gif of the virtual video FRAMING © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼作品细节,detail of the video work © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室
构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


Walking up and down the stairs staggered between floors offers an experience of temporarily escaping from daily routines and entering a “FRAME” world full of virtuality.

▼楼梯间与办公区,stairwell and office area © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


The Loft space of Upperhills features a sense of extension and transparency, allowing designers to turn their vision and inspiration into reality. Under the changing natural light at different times, it offers a refreshed and self-consistent ambiance all the time, integrating architecture, space and people and presenting a space of sustainable growth. Industrial materials such as steel, cement, and glass are widely applied in the office to express their simple texture and avoid extra decoration. Fixed furniture such as desks and bookshelves are customized integration of reinforcing steel bar mesh with steel plates. The walls retain the original concrete texture, matching well with the self-leveling cement flooring.

▼混凝土质感墙壁与水泥自流平地面 concrete texture wall and the self-leveling cement flooring © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼墙面细部,detail of the wall © 自由意志摄影工作室

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室


The completion of the FRAME China office has added a new milestone to the prestigious FRAME magazine,and built an international communication platform for the interior design industry, promoting Chinese design to be recognized worldwide.

▼剖面图,Section © ARCHSTUDIO

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

▼平面图,Plan © ARCHSTUDIO

构架 – FRAME中国办公室,深圳 / 建筑营设计工作室 + UFO媒体实验室

软装:泡泡艺廊、Hermann Miller、PIG Design、超级金属、十八纸等

Project Name: FRAME China Office
Project Location: Upperhills, Futian District, Shenzhen
Design Company: ARCHSTUDIO
Company Website: www.archstudio.cn
Chief Designers: Li Xiaoming, Han Wenqiang
Designer: Lei Xin
Structural Consulting: Zhu Changan
Construction Drawings Collaboration: Jiang Space (Beijing) Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
Furnishings: PP Design Gallery, Hermann Miller, PIG Design, Super Metal, Shibazhi, etc.
Image editing: Lei Xin
New Media Art: UFO Media Lab
Construction Team: Zuo Yonghong, etc.
Construction Area: 327㎡
Design Time: Feb.- Apr. 2022
Construction Time: May – Dec. 2022
Main Materials: Microcement (supplied by Hangzhou FRIPIECE/Bizhi Architectural Coating Co., Ltd.), scallop shell wall coating( supplied by NANOxARCH), steel bar, etc.
Photography: Free Will Photography (unless otherwise noted)


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